Making a Last Wishes video-recording for your loved ones enables you to deliver your important messages in a patient, caring and supportive environment. We will give you as much time as you like to pass on your memories of the past and hopes and dreams for the future of your loved ones. Contact us to discuss your individual needs.
Advance Health Directives or Advance Statements are not wills or a power of attorney. They are your advance statement of wishes to explain how you would like to be cared for in case you are unable to communicate your wishes. It is not legally binding, but it would bring peace of mind.
By video recording an Advance Statement, you can tell your loved ones, caregivers and doctors your likes and dislikes and what is important to you to feel comfortable, in your own words. Age UK gives the following examples of what you might like to include:
- where ideally you would like to be cared for, for example your home, a care home or hospice
- your dietary requirements
- foods you do and don’t like
- whether you prefer baths or showers
- what kind of clothes you prefer to wear
- the type of music you like and what you like to watch on TV
- whether you like to sleep with a light on
- the time you like to go to bed and whether you’re an early riser or prefer a lie in
- your religious or other beliefs and values
- who you want to be consulted about your care
- who you would like to visit you.