There are many storytelling events being held throughout the UK, from open mics to workshops to TED Talks! Check out what is on offer!
Please send me your storytelling event to to get the word out!
Southampton, Hampshire
Southampton Story Club
An informal regular gathering of both professional and amateur storytellers. If you’re curious, just pop along!
Year-round events UK-wide
Southampton, Hampshire
Touch Network
Neighbourhood storytelling events, where they invite adults from local communities to meet new people and share and connect with real life stories. Free events!
The Point
Eastleigh, Hampshire
Family fun, creative games and interactive storytelling, where imagination roams free. For children and their adults.
Every Tuesday and Saturday at 11:00 am FREE!
The Arc
Winchester, Hampshire
Wonderful storytelling experiences for under 5s. No need to book, just drop in.
August annually
Oxford Storytelling Festival
Year-round events in Ireland
Oral History Network of Ireland
Workshops and networking events for those interested in oral history.
British Library
Extensive resources and workshops for oral historians and those interested in family history, genealogy, and British life.
One of the largest collections of oral history and life story interviews in the world.
Online and at the British Library
Introduction to Oral History
Run by the Oral History Society and held at the British Library and Online.
Life History Research Society
First Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm
The Plough@StAnne’s
Barnstaple, North Devon
Plough Storytelling Circle
A lively forum for listening to and telling stories, folk tales, mythology, modern stories and personal stories – from memory. Everyone welcome! £2 and booking necessary.
Year-round and throughout the UK
TEDx Events
‘Ideas worth spreading’ is their mission and they hold events throughout the UK. Fees apply.
The Moth